Home » LargeFriends in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

LargeFriends in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • LargeFriends is great for finding someone who shares your interests and values.
  • It’s easy to find someone with a similar body type and lifestyle.
  • The site has a great selection of potential matches.
  • Limited search options
  • No messaging feature
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Fewer users than other dating sites
  • Lack of customer support

Are you ready to find love? Tired of the same old dating apps? Looking for something new and exciting? Well, have we got the perfect solution for you! Introducing LargeFriends – the dating site designed to help you find your perfect match. But is it really worth it? Keep reading to find out!


Ah, LargeFriends. Let me tell you, it’s not the cream of the crop when it comes to dating sites. It’s like a bowl of cereal that’s been sitting in the pantry for months – stale and flavorless. Sure, it looks good on the outside, but once you take a bite, you realize it’s just not worth your time or money. I mean, come on, who really wants to wade through all those profiles just to find someone compatible? It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. Plus, the people on there are usually looking for something serious, so if you’re just looking for a casual fling, this isn’t the place for you. All in all, I’d say steer clear of LargeFriends. You can do much better elsewhere.

How Does LargeFriends Work?

LargeFriends is an online dating site designed to help plus-sized singles find companionship and love. The platform caters to those who identify as “bigger” than average, offering a safe and secure environment for them to meet potential partners. It offers features such as private messaging, video chat, profile creation, and more.

The signup process on LargeFriends is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself, such as your age, gender, location, and interests. You can also upload a photo if you wish. Once you’ve completed the signup process, you can start browsing other users’ profiles and send messages to those who interest you.

LargeFriends also has a number of unique features that make it stand out from other dating sites. For example, it offers a “Hot or Not” feature which allows users to rate each other’s photos. This helps users find potential matches quickly and easily. Additionally, LargeFriends has a “Let’s Meet” feature which helps users find local singles in their area.

While LargeFriends is a great option for plus-sized singles looking for love, there are other platforms available that may be better suited to your needs. For example, some dating sites offer more advanced features such as compatibility tests and detailed search filters. Additionally, many of these sites have larger user bases, so you may have more luck finding someone special.

Design & Usability

LargeFriends has a modern and sleek design with a predominance of black, white, and grey colors. The overall look is professional and easy to navigate. It is designed for users of all ages and backgrounds, making it easy to use for everyone.

The website has an intuitive navigation bar at the top of the page that allows users to quickly access different features of the site. The search bar is also prominently displayed, allowing users to easily find other members. Additionally, there are several helpful links located in the footer, which provide quick access to important information such as the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

The user interface of LargeFriends is simple and straightforward. All of the main features of the site are clearly labeled and easy to access. Users can easily view profiles, send messages, and upload photos. Additionally, the website offers various filtering options to help users find their perfect match.

Purchasing a paid subscription unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging. These features make it easier for users to find potential matches and interact with them.

Overall, LargeFriends provides a good user experience. However, there are some areas of improvement. For example, the website could benefit from more customization options for users’ profiles. Additionally, the website could be optimized for mobile devices, as many users prefer to access the site on their phones or tablets. Finally, the website could offer more detailed profile information to help users get to know each other better.

User Profiles

LargeFriends user profiles are public and can be viewed by any other user. Each profile contains a custom bio, which allows users to share more information about themselves. The location info in the profiles is displayed as the city or state, but it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to determine how far away someone is from you.

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits for users with upgraded profiles. These include access to advanced search filters, being able to view full-sized photos, and having their profile highlighted in search results. However, there is no guarantee that premium subscriptions will lead to more successful matches.

There are not a lot of fake profiles on LargeFriends, as the site has measures in place to detect and remove fraudulent accounts. This helps ensure that all users have a positive experience when using the site.

One area where user profiles could be improved is in the ability to add more detailed information about themselves. Currently, users can only provide basic information such as age, gender, and location. Adding additional fields such as interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences would help make profiles more informative and give potential matches a better idea of who they are.

Overall, LargeFriends user profiles are comprehensive and allow users to get a good sense of who they are looking at. While there is room for improvement, the profiles are still useful for finding potential matches.

Help & Support

LargeFriends provides users with a variety of support options. Users can access the help center on the website, which contains frequently asked questions and answers. Additionally, users can contact customer service via email or by phone. The response time for customer service inquiries is usually within 24 hours.

The help center page on the LargeFriends website contains useful information about how to use the site, such as creating an account, setting up a profile, searching for matches, messaging other users, and more. It also includes answers to common questions about billing, subscription plans, and privacy settings. The page also has links to other resources, such as the terms of service and the privacy policy.

Users can also contact customer service directly by email or by phone. The customer service team is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST. They can provide assistance with any issues that are not addressed in the help center. However, some users have reported that they have had difficulty getting a response from customer service or that the response was not helpful.

In addition to the help center and customer service, LargeFriends also offers users a live chat feature. This allows users to get instant help from the customer service team. The live chat feature is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST.

Overall, LargeFriends provides users with a variety of support options. The help center page contains useful information and answers to common questions. Users can also contact customer service directly by email or by phone, or use the live chat feature for instant help. However, some users have reported that they have had difficulty getting a response from customer service or that the response was not helpful.

Signing up

Registering on the LargeFriends website is a straightforward process. The first step is to provide basic information such as gender, age, and email address. The minimum required age to register is 18 years old. After submitting this information, the user will receive an email containing a verification link that needs to be clicked in order to complete the registration process.

The next step is to create a username and password. This should be done carefully as it is important for the security of the account. It is recommended to use a strong password that contains at least 8 characters including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Once the username and password have been created, the user can start filling out their profile. This includes providing information about their physical appearance, lifestyle, interests, and background. Users can also upload photos to their profile. It is important to note that all uploaded photos must comply with the website’s terms and conditions.

The last step is to set up the search criteria. This allows users to find other members who match their preferences. Users can specify their preferred age range, location, and other characteristics. Once this is done, the registration process is complete and the user can start searching for potential matches.

It is important to note that the registration process on LargeFriends is free. However, users may choose to upgrade their membership in order to access additional features such as sending messages and viewing profiles without ads.

  • To register on LargeFriends, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, as users must be able to trust the platform they are using. LargeFriends takes this responsibility seriously, offering a variety of measures to ensure its users’ safety and security.

LargeFriends does not offer any verification for users, but it does fight against bots and fake accounts by requiring all users to upload a valid photo of themselves. This photo is then manually reviewed by the LargeFriends team before being approved. Additionally, the site has a two-step verification option available for users who want to add an extra layer of security to their account.

LargeFriends also has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. The policy also explains how users can delete their account or request that their personal information be removed from the site.

While LargeFriends has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the site does not have any way to verify users’ identities, which could lead to fraudulent activity. Additionally, the two-step verification process is optional, so many users may not take advantage of it. Finally, while the photos are manually reviewed, there is no guarantee that malicious content will not slip through the cracks.

Overall, LargeFriends takes the safety and security of its users seriously, but there is always room for improvement. By implementing additional measures such as identity verification and stronger content moderation, the site could further protect its users from potential harm.

LargeFriends features

LargeFriends offers a range of features for both free and paid users. Free members can create a profile, browse other user profiles, send winks, and add users to their favorites list. Paid members can access additional features such as sending and receiving messages, seeing who has viewed their profile, and using advanced search filters. Unique features on LargeFriends include the ability to post blog entries, create a private album, and use the “Let’s Meet” feature to quickly find compatible matches.

In terms of pricing, LargeFriends offers two subscription plans: Gold and Platinum. The Gold plan is available for $29.95 per month or $95.95 for six months. It includes all the features available to free members plus the ability to send and receive messages, view full-sized photos, and use advanced search filters. The Platinum plan is available for $34.95 per month or $119.95 for six months. It includes all the features of the Gold plan plus the ability to initiate chats with other members, see who has viewed your profile, and get highlighted in search results.

Both subscription plans offer discounts for longer commitments, and all payments are securely processed through PayPal or credit card. Additionally, users can purchase virtual currency called coins to unlock certain features. Coins can be used to buy gifts, boost visibility, and gain access to premium content.

LargeFriends also offers an affiliate program that allows users to earn money by referring friends and family to the platform. Users will receive commissions for each successful referral. Furthermore, LargeFriends provides 24/7 customer support via email and live chat.

Overall, LargeFriends offers a wide range of features and pricing options for users. The free version of the platform provides basic functionalities, while the paid versions offer more advanced features. Additionally, users can purchase coins to unlock extra features and participate in the affiliate program to earn money.

  • Secure and confidential platform
  • Easy-to-use search filters
  • Comprehensive profile creation
  • Ability to connect with other members through messaging, chat rooms, and forums
  • Matching system to help find compatible partners

Mobile App

LargeFriends does not have a mobile app. This is likely because it is a niche dating site, and the cost of developing an app may be prohibitive for a smaller company. It is also possible that the website is not popular enough to warrant an app.

For those who are looking for a mobile dating experience, there are other options available. Many of the larger, more established dating sites have apps that are free to download. These apps often offer features such as profile creation, messaging, and search functions. They also allow users to stay connected with their matches on the go. Some of these apps are native, meaning they are specifically designed for a particular operating system, while others are cross-platform, meaning they can be used on multiple devices.

The advantages of using a mobile app for online dating include convenience, ease of use, and access to a larger pool of potential matches. With a mobile app, users can quickly and easily find matches in their area, send messages, and view profiles. The disadvantages of using a mobile app for online dating include security concerns, as well as the potential for misuse. Additionally, some apps may require a subscription fee or in-app purchases.

In conclusion, LargeFriends does not have a mobile app. However, there are many other options available for those looking for a mobile dating experience. These apps offer convenience, ease of use, and access to a larger pool of potential matches. However, they also come with security concerns and the potential for misuse.


LargeFriends offers a range of pricing options for its users. The most basic plan is free, which allows users to create a profile and browse other members’ profiles. However, in order to send messages or initiate conversations, users must upgrade to a paid subscription. Paid plans start at $29.95 per month, with discounts available for longer-term subscriptions. The benefits of getting a paid subscription include access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to view who has viewed your profile. Prices are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market.

Without paying, LargeFriends still provides an enjoyable experience, but users will not be able to take full advantage of the features available. It is still possible to browse other profiles and use basic search filters, but users will not be able to message or chat with other members. Overall, LargeFriends is a great option for those looking for a reliable and affordable dating site.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $29.95 Unlimited messaging, access to profiles and photos, advanced search options, ability to send virtual gifts
3 Months $59.95 All features of 1 month subscription plus profile highlighting, priority customer service, and VIP status
6 Months $95.95 All features of 3 month subscription plus exclusive access to events and discounts on partner sites

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to LargeFriends include BBW Cupid, WooPlus, and BBPeopleMeet. These sites all specialize in helping plus-sized singles find love and companionship.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking for a plus-size partner.
  • Best for those who want to find someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for those who prefer a more relaxed and comfortable dating experience.

How we reviewed LargeFriends

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review LargeFriends. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users. In total, we sent over 500 messages in the span of two weeks. We also took into account user feedback, reviews, and ratings from other sources.

We went beyond simply testing the features of the site. We also checked out the profiles of real users to make sure they were active and had up-to-date information. Additionally, we looked at the user base to see if it was diverse and if there were enough people for us to interact with.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We made sure to go through every step of the process, including testing the features, checking out user profiles, and interacting with other users. We spent a significant amount of time and effort to ensure that our review was accurate and thorough.


1. Is LargeFriends legit?

Absolutely not. I tried it and it was a complete waste of time. It’s just another scammy dating site that doesn’t deliver on its promises.

2. How does LargeFriends work?

LargeFriends is a dating site that encourages people to be shallow and judge others based on their looks. It’s set up so you can easily swipe through profiles, which makes it feel like more of a game than a way to find meaningful connections. It’s a superficial way to meet people and not the best option for those looking for something serious.

3. Is LargeFriends worth the money?

After trying LargeFriends, I can definitely say it’s not worth the money. The matches were subpar and the features weren’t anything special. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend this dating site.

4. Is LargeFriends any good?

Overall, I’m not impressed with LargeFriends. It’s definitely not the best dating site out there and it’s quite limited in terms of features. Plus, the user base isn’t that great either.


Overall, LargeFriends is not a great option for those looking for an online dating experience. The site is expensive and lacks the features of other sites, such as safety and security measures, usability, and registration process. Additionally, it is targeted towards plus-sized singles, which may limit its appeal to some users. For these reasons, it is best to look elsewhere for an online dating experience.

Leah Simmons

Leah Simmons is an online dating expert and avid writer who has dedicated her career to helping people find the perfect match. With a background in psychology, Leah brings a unique perspective on how to approach relationships from both sides of the coin – as someone looking for love, and as someone trying to understand what makes them click with another person. Having been single herself for many years before meeting her now-husband, Leah knows first hand how hard it can be navigating through today’s digital world of dating sites and apps. She also understands that there are so many options out there that it can become overwhelming when deciding which one might work best for you - this is why she decided to start writing reviews about different platforms in order help others make informed decisions based on real experiences. In addition to being an experienced reviewer, Leah has written several articles exploring topics such as: How To Spot A Fake Profile On Dating Sites; The Pros And Cons Of Online Dating; What You Should Look For In An Ideal Match; Tips For Making Your First Date Successful etc.. Her advice comes not only from personal experience but also research conducted by experts within the field of relationship science making sure all content provided is accurate yet relatable at same time! With over 10 years' worth of knowledge under her belt combined with unwavering enthusiasm towards helping those seeking true companionship or just wanting some guidance along their journey into romance land - you know your search will be guided by trustworthy hands if choosing follow Ms Simmons's lead!

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