Home » IndonesianCupid: A Comprehensive 2023 Review & Guide

IndonesianCupid: A Comprehensive 2023 Review & Guide

  • Easy to use interface and great customer service.
  • Large pool of potential matches from Indonesia.
  • Comprehensive search options for finding the perfect match.
  • The site is not as user-friendly as other dating sites.
  • There are limited features available for free users.
  • The search function is not very accurate.
  • Some profiles are not genuine.
  • Customer service response times can be slow.

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Or maybe you’re just curious about what IndonesianCupid has to offer? Well, buckle up and get ready to find out! This review will give you the lowdown on whether this dating site is worth your time – and your heart. We’ll take a look at its features, safety protocols, and user base to see if it can really help you find that special someone. So, let’s dive in and see if IndonesianCupid is the right match for you!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, IndonesianCupid is not the one. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! Sure, it looks nice on the surface, but there’s nothing underneath. The matches are few and far between, and the people you do match with don’t seem very interested. Plus, it’s expensive! Save your time and money and look elsewhere. Trust me, you’ll be much better off.

How Does IndonesianCupid Work?

IndonesianCupid is an online dating platform that caters to Indonesian singles looking for love and companionship. It is a part of the Cupid Media network, which operates over 30 reputable niche dating sites and apps. The platform is designed to help users find compatible matches with whom they can start meaningful relationships.

On IndonesianCupid, users can create a profile and upload photos. They can also use the search function to find potential matches based on age, location, and other criteria. Additionally, users can browse through profiles of other members and send messages to those who interest them. IndonesianCupid also offers advanced features such as video chat and instant messaging.

Overall, IndonesianCupid is a decent platform for Indonesian singles looking for love and companionship. However, it is important to note that there are better alternatives available. For example, some platforms offer more advanced features and a larger user base. Therefore, it is important to do your research before committing to any one platform.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, especially on sites like IndonesianCupid. It is important for users to know that their personal information is secure and that they are interacting with real people. IndonesianCupid takes steps to ensure its users’ safety and security.

IndonesianCupid has a verification process in place to ensure that all of its users are real people. All profiles must be verified before they can start messaging other users. This helps to protect against bots and fake accounts. IndonesianCupid also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts.

The photos uploaded to IndonesianCupid are manually reviewed by the site’s moderators to ensure that they are appropriate and do not contain any offensive content. IndonesianCupid also has a comprehensive privacy policy in place to protect user data.

While IndonesianCupid does take steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are some areas where it could be improved. For example, IndonesianCupid does not offer any background checks or identity verification services. It would also be beneficial if IndonesianCupid provided more detailed information about its safety and security measures on its website.

Overall, IndonesianCupid is a safe and secure dating site. It takes steps to ensure that its users are interacting with real people and that their personal information is protected. However, there are still some areas where IndonesianCupid could improve its safety and security measures.

Mobile App

IndonesianCupid does not have a mobile app. This is surprising given that most dating sites now offer a mobile app for their users. It could be that IndonesianCupid is focusing on providing a web-based experience, or it may be that they are in the process of developing an app but have yet to release it.

The lack of a mobile app means that users of IndonesianCupid will need to use the website on their mobile devices. The website is designed to be responsive and works well on mobile devices, but it is not as convenient as having a dedicated app. Additionally, some features may not be available on the mobile version of the website.

It is also worth noting that many people prefer to use apps rather than websites on their mobile devices. This is because apps tend to be faster and more user-friendly than websites. Apps also tend to be more secure than websites, as they are not vulnerable to the same types of security threats.

Overall, the lack of a mobile app is a disadvantage for IndonesianCupid. However, the website itself is still a good option for those looking to find potential matches. The website is easy to use and provides a range of features that make it a great choice for online dating.

Help & Support

Users of IndonesianCupid can access support through a variety of methods. The most common way to contact the support team is via email. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, although it can take longer depending on the complexity of the issue. IndonesianCupid also has a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) that users can use to find answers to their queries.

In addition to email and FAQs, IndonesianCupid also provides support through its social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. Users can post their questions and comments on these channels and expect a response from the support team in a timely manner.

The support provided by IndonesianCupid covers a wide range of topics related to the dating site. These include technical issues, account management, payment and subscription queries, safety tips, and more. The support team is knowledgeable and friendly, and they are always willing to help users with any problems they may have.

Having contacted the support team a couple of times, I can attest to the fact that they are responsive and helpful. They were able to answer my questions quickly and provide me with the necessary information to resolve my issue.

Overall, IndonesianCupid provides a comprehensive support system for its users. Whether you need help with technical issues or have questions about the site, the support team is always available to assist you.

Design & Usability

IndonesianCupid has a sleek and modern design, with its signature orange and white color scheme. The site is easy to navigate, with intuitive menus and search options that make it simple to find what you’re looking for. The main page features a large photo carousel of members, which makes browsing the site more engaging. The overall look of the site is inviting and welcoming, making it an ideal platform for singles looking for love.

When it comes to usability, IndonesianCupid offers a great user experience. The site is responsive and runs smoothly on all devices, making it accessible to everyone. Navigation is straightforward, with all the essential features easily accessible from the homepage. There are also helpful tips and tutorials throughout the site to help users get started.

For those who want to take their experience to the next level, IndonesianCupid offers a paid subscription. With this subscription, users gain access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and more. The UI improvements are subtle but noticeable, making it easier to find potential matches.

Overall, IndonesianCupid’s design and usability are excellent. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the search filters could be more detailed, allowing users to narrow down their results more precisely. Additionally, the photo carousel could be optimized to show more relevant images. These small changes would make the site even more user-friendly.

Signing up

Registering on IndonesianCupid is a straightforward process. The website requires users to be at least 18 years old and have a valid email address. To start the registration process, users must go to the IndonesianCupid homepage and click on the “Sign Up” button. This will take them to a page where they can choose to sign up with their Facebook account or enter their email address. If users choose to sign up with their Facebook account, they will be asked to log in to their Facebook account and authorize IndonesianCupid to access their profile information.

If users choose to sign up with their email address, they will be asked to enter their name, gender, date of birth, email address, and password. After submitting this information, users will receive an email from IndonesianCupid with a verification link. Once they click on the link, they will be taken back to the IndonesianCupid website where they will be asked to complete their profile by entering additional information such as their ethnicity, height, body type, religion, occupation, and relationship status.

Once users have completed their profile, they will be asked to upload a profile photo. They can either upload a photo from their computer or use their webcam to take a photo. After uploading a photo, users will be asked to provide more information about themselves such as their interests, hobbies, lifestyle, and what they are looking for in a partner.

Finally, users will be asked to verify their identity by providing a valid ID or passport. Once they have provided this information, their account will be verified and they will be able to access all the features of IndonesianCupid.

Overall, registering on IndonesianCupid is a relatively simple process that takes less than 10 minutes to complete. It is free to register and users must be at least 18 years old to join.

  • To register on IndonesianCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile photo
  • A username and password

IndonesianCupid features

IndonesianCupid offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, upload photos, search for other members, send interest, and communicate with paying members. Paid members can access additional features such as sending messages, using the advanced search filters, viewing profiles invisibly, and more. IndonesianCupid also offers unique features such as the ability to hide your profile from other users, message translation services, and the ability to browse anonymously.

IndonesianCupid offers two types of subscription plans: Gold and Platinum. The Gold membership plan is the most affordable option and includes features such as messaging, live chat, video messaging, anonymous browsing, and advanced search filters. The Platinum membership plan offers all the features of the Gold plan plus exclusive features such as profile highlighting, double profile space, VIP profile highlighting, and advanced matching algorithms.

The pricing for IndonesianCupid varies depending on the subscription plan chosen. The Gold membership plan costs $34.99 per month, $69.98 for three months, or $139.99 for one year. The Platinum membership plan costs $39.99 per month, $79.98 for three months, or $159.99 for one year. IndonesianCupid also offers an additional feature called “Cupid Tags” which allows users to add tags to their profile in order to make it easier for other users to find them. This feature is available for an additional fee of $2.99 per month.

In addition to subscription plans, IndonesianCupid also offers a variety of payment options including credit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, and even Bitcoin. All payments are processed securely and safely. IndonesianCupid also offers a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the service.

Overall, IndonesianCupid provides a range of features at a reasonable price. The Gold and Platinum membership plans offer a variety of features that allow users to find potential matches and communicate with them. The additional features such as Cupid Tags and the money-back guarantee make IndonesianCupid an attractive option for those looking for a dating site.

  • Advanced search filters to help you find your perfect match
  • Verified profiles for added security and peace of mind
  • Instant messaging and video chat capabilities
  • A wide range of interactive features, such as winks, likes, and gifts
  • A fun and friendly community of singles from all over Indonesia

User Profiles

User profiles on IndonesianCupid are public and can be viewed by anyone. While users can set a custom bio, the main focus of the profile is on answering a series of questions about their interests, lifestyle, and personality. Location information is included in the profile, though it is possible to hide this information if desired. Unfortunately, there is no indication of the distance between users, so it can be difficult to determine how close two people are to each other.

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits for user profiles, such as the ability to send messages to other members without restrictions, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to browse anonymously. However, there are still many fake profiles on IndonesianCupid, so it is important to be aware of this when using the site.

One area where IndonesianCupid could improve its user profiles is in providing more detailed information about the interests and hobbies of its members. Currently, the profile questions only ask for general information, such as whether someone likes to travel or play sports. By providing more specific questions, users would be able to better identify potential matches that share similar interests. This would make it easier to find compatible partners and increase the chances of successful matches.


IndonesianCupid offers a range of pricing options for users. The basic membership is free, allowing users to create a profile and browse other members’ profiles. However, paid subscriptions offer more features such as messaging and advanced search capabilities. There are three levels of paid subscription: Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. Prices start at $10.00 per month for the Gold subscription, $20.00 per month for the Platinum subscription, and $30.00 per month for the Diamond subscription. All paid subscriptions come with a 30-day money back guarantee.

Overall, IndonesianCupid’s pricing is competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. Free members can still access many features, but those looking for more features will benefit from the paid subscriptions. Paid subscriptions provide access to messaging, advanced search capabilities, and a range of other features that make it easier to find potential matches. Additionally, the 30-day money back guarantee provides peace of mind for those who are unsure about investing in a paid subscription.

Subscription Option Price Features
Standard Membership Free Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send and receive messages, add users to your favorites list
Gold Membership $29.98/month All standard membership features plus access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and anonymous browsing
Platinum Membership $34.99/month All gold membership features plus access to exclusive search options, video chat, and priority customer service

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to IndonesianCupid include Tinder, Badoo, and OkCupid. These dating sites offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging, and matchmaking.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship
  • Best for people interested in exploring Indonesian culture and finding someone to share it with
  • Best for those seeking an international connection with someone from Indonesia

How we reviewed IndonesianCupid

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into IndonesianCupid. We tested both the free and paid versions, sending messages to other users – over 200 in total! We spent several days using the site, getting a feel for how it works and the features it offers.

We also read through the user reviews and feedback, as well as scoured the internet for any other information about the site. We checked out the profile creation process, looked at the different types of search filters available, and made sure that all the features worked as they should.

Finally, we tested the customer service and support system, making sure that the team was responsive and helpful. All in all, we spent more than a week testing IndonesianCupid and its features, giving us an in-depth understanding of the site. This commitment to providing an accurate review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such thorough reviews.


1. Is IndonesianCupid free?

No, IndonesianCupid is not free. It’s actually quite expensive for a dating site. Definitely not worth the money.

2. How to sign up for IndonesianCupid?

Signing up for IndonesianCupid is easy – just enter your details and you’re good to go. It’s pretty straightforward, but I’m not a fan of the site. It’s not very reliable and there are better options out there.

3. Is IndonesianCupid trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say IndonesianCupid is trustworthy. There are a lot of fake profiles and scammers on the site, so you have to be careful. Plus, there’s no way to verify the identity of the people you’re talking to, so it’s hard to know who you can trust.

4. Is IndonesianCupid any good?

IndonesianCupid is definitely not worth your time. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so you’re better off avoiding it. Overall, it’s a waste of time and money.


Overall, IndonesianCupid is not a great option for those looking for a dating site. It lacks in safety and security features, the pricing structure is complicated and expensive, and the usability of the app is lacking. Additionally, the registration process is long and tedious, making it difficult to get started. This app is mainly targeting Indonesians, so if you are looking for someone outside of Indonesia, this may not be the best option for you. All in all, there are better dating sites out there that offer more features and better user experiences.

Scarlett Howard

Scarlett Howard is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. She has been in the industry for over 10 years, working with some of the top names in online matchmaking services. Her background includes a degree from Harvard University where she studied psychology and communication studies which gave her insight into understanding relationships better. Her passion for helping people find love led her to pursue writing about various aspects of modern day romance, such as how technology can be used effectively when it comes to finding that special someone or navigating tricky situations like long-distance relationships or ghosting issues. Scarlett also likes discussing topics related to self-love, confidence building exercises so one can make themselves more attractive both inside out before entering any relationship - something she learned through personal experience during college days while struggling with low self esteem herself . With this knowledge base at hand plus having tried many different platforms first hand , Scarlett brings unique insights into each review piece that help readers understand what works best for them according their individual needs . This helps demystify all those complex algorithms behind matching systems & gives users practical advice they need most right now !

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